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New Year, New You?

So we’re nearly two weeks into 2017. How are the New Year’s resolutions going? Have you stuck to them? Or crumbled at the first sight of a slice of chocolate cake? Don’t get me wrong, setting New Year’s resolutions is a great way to start the year but most of…


Vegan Pistachio Chia Pudding Chia seeds and pistachios are a part of the ultimate protein dream! Not to mention all the important antioxidants and vitamins that go along with it. Be sure to check out the yummy recipe below and try using our Creative Nature Chia Seeds! http://www.thejoyfulhearth.com/2015/09/pistachio-chia-pudding/ Greek Yogurt &…

Why Spirulina Is Better Than Any Other

You may be wondering what Spirulina (pronounced spi-rah-lina) actually is and what it does for our bodies. The answer to that seems to be an ongoing list as it’s perhaps the world’s healthiest food! In technical terms, Spirulina is a deep green aquatic plant and nutritious dietary supplement. The superfood…

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles

These truffles are the perfect morning and afternoon snack or the perfect indulgent topping for your yogurt or decadent ice cream! Ingredients: 1 cup almond flour 1 cup coconut flour 2 T maca powder 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/4 cup creative nature cacao nibs 1/4 tsp…

Different Uses for Gluten Free Baking Mixes

Today, in supermarkets, you can purchase an array of gluten-free baking mixes -- for cookies, for cakes, for breads -- pretty much anything that you can bake under the sun. However, Creative Nature Superfoods has several gluten free baking mixes, and we are excited to share other ways that users…

The Power of Hemp Powder

Creative Nature’s hemp powder is a popular and rich source of Omega 9, 6 and 3. It provides an easily digestible and rich plant protein option to whey protein. Creative Nature’s hemp powder is among the plant kingdom’s highly balanced, complete, and concentrated sources of EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) and…

Healthy Snack Ideas

Snacks: probably the main reason for everyone everywhere giving up on their healthy diets - just what are you supposed to snack on?! I'm on a mission to cut out as much refined sugar from my diet as I can and have come up with a selection of healthy snacks…

Double Cacao Vegan Cookies

This delicious recipe caught the Creative Nature Superfoods team's attention immediately with the gorgeous cookies and beautiful images. We know you will enjoy it as much as we have! Ingredients: 1.5 cups ground almonds 1 tsp baking powder 1.5 tbsp cacao powder (I used Creative nature) 1/4 cup cacao nibs …

Great Taste Winning Muffin Mix!

We can't actually believe that we've won Great Taste Gold Stars for a third year in a row for our superfood products! For too long now, allergen sufferers have had to put up with sub standard foods that taste like soggy cardboard (or worse!). Enter Creative Nature's new Chia &…

Gluten Free Banana Cake – Heavenly Recipe!

[caption id="attachment_3020" align="alignleft" width="300"] Processed with VSCO with a6 preset[/caption] For so many years I hated bananas. Detested them even. I really never thought I’d be able to eat them—to me they were the equivalent of kryptonite to superman.  Amongst the disgust, I did have one exception to the no…

Dining Out With a Food Allergy – Made Easier!

The thought of eating out daunts many of us that have a food allergy or intolerance. It can turn what should be a pleasurable experience into a stressful one. But fear not, because it doesn’t have to be this way. See below for the top tips when eating out with…

Vegan Cacao and Maca Cookies

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand waste! There are so many different ways to use foods these days that I see it as a personal failure on my part! Well, these cookies were inspired by that very concern – you see, I had a lone banana in…

Beginning a Vegan Lifestyle

Veganism is a cruelty free lifestyle which seeks to exclude all animal products in the form of food, clothing or for any other purpose. A plant based diet is proven to be one of the healthiest to follow, providing it is done correctly. Many people have a negative impression that…

Blueberry Superfood Smoothie

This blueberry smoothie is super simple to make but packed with goodness to leave you feeling fantastic. Blueberries and goji berries are bursting with antioxidants, which help to prevent damage to your cells and to boost your immune system. While maca powder helps to regulate your hormones. Add some granola,…

Top 8 Tips for Allergy Sufferers

  Whether it be food, medication, outdoor or animal related, it’s estimated that 1in 5 individuals deal with some kind of allergy in their lifetime. Having an allergen plays a crucial role in your life, especially a food allergen. Currently there are eight food groups, which account for 90% of…

The Best German Cacao Cake Ever!

Eating dark chocolate is excellent for your health because it contains numerous antioxidants. However, less processed and often bitter tasting raw cacao is even much better. Cacao beans are not only the base of chocolates but also many other dessert dishes. Raw cacao decreases oxidation of ‘bad’ cholesterol in the…

Should I be Eating Gluten Free?

First things first, it is important to establish that the term ‘gluten-free’ does not necessarily equate to healthy. You can buy gluten-free products that are packed full of sugar and chemicals, so we want to dive into the reasons behind eating less gluten. Many of my clients say they are…


Written by Registered Nutritionist, Rhiannon Lambert http://rhitrition.com/ . So, like Julianne the founder of Creative Nature Super foods you have a nut allergy or you’re intolerant to nuts. Fret not, here’s my top 5 tips to make it all seem better. Baking: Most healthy recipe alternatives are now using ground…

How Superfoods Affect Your Daily Life

What are Superfoods? How do they affect ones’ daily life? Superfoods are those foods that when you consume regular sized portion can offer you huge amounts of nutrients rather than having to consume large amounts in order to enjoy the intended benefits. With the countless stress, junk foods, and pollution…

Creative Nature Superfoods Shortlisted for BOOM Award!

Our team is so proud to announce that Creative Nature Superfoods been shortlisted in the #BOOMawards! These are the organic awards put on by The Soil Association for all the UK's best organic products. Learn more about the BOOM Awards. Our Chia and Cacao Baking Mix has been shortlisted in the…

Why Are Our Products Gluten Free?

The term “gluten-free” can often be associated with a diet-related fad that has swept the UK (and other countries!). But for some, gluten-free is more than a way to avoid carbohydrates. For Creative Nature Superfoods, the issue was greater than just a fad. What is a gluten allergy? A true…

Creative Nature Superfoods is an SBS Winner!

This week a MAJOR dream came true for our team, as we were recognized by Theo Paphitis’ Small Business Sunday movement! Our entire team is looking forward to this opportunity, and most importantly looking forward to the opportunity to bring our superfoods to many more lovely people. Thanks, Theo Paphitis!

5 Superfoods you should incorporate every day

A part of living a healthy lifestyle includes the usual recommendations; eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, daily activity, and dedicated exercise. We also love incorporating meditation and daily learning. However, you may have heard raving reviews about superfoods. The buzz about them is absolutely true! Adding superfoods into your diet each…

Food Allergies Hit Close to Home for Many

The above image most likely invokes one of two emotions for you. Either you will be craving a mid-afternoon snack, or you are instantly asking whether or not it is gluten free. For many households, food allergies and food sensitivities are a serious issue. It can dictate whether or not…

Nominated for 2 Awards!

It's always nice to be nominated for an award, but when it's for 2 awards, that's even better! Creative Nature is up for Best Micro Business and Best Family Business at the 2016 FSB Worldpay Awards. With over 200 nominations per category, it's amazing to make it through to the…

Luxury Retreats with PUSH

Hello Everyone! I hope that you are all sticking to your New Year's resolutions and topping up your nutrients with Creative Nature Superfoods :) I've got some really exciting news for you today... Julianne Ponan, our incredible young CEO, has teamed up with luxury wellbeing retreat company PUSH Mind and…

Why should I eat hemp seeds?

Hemp. What is it? The Merriam Webster dictionary defines hemp as: A tall widely cultivated Asian herb (Cannabis sativa of the family Cannabaceae, the hemp family) that has a tough bast fiber used especially for cordage Which doesn’t really tell us much, especially as we are most interested in eating…

Make your own hydration and recovery drinks

As I train for the upcoming Angkor Wat Marathon (well, the half-marathon for me), I have been thinking more and more about what exactly I am ingesting each day. Running in Cambodia is, frankly, a very sweaty affair, with average daytime temperatures hovering around 35 degrees—every day. Not bad when…

VegFest UK Finalists!

The Vegfest UK nominations are out and Creative Nature is a finalist in the Best Raw Vegan Product category with our refreshingly unique Tropical Treat bar! It's amazing to see that our bar has been nominated by the public when there are so many new snacks popping up every day…

Hello Sunshine!

Hello healthy food fans, I hope you are enjoying the new site as much as we are? I'm sure you'll agree that the layout and imagery is much closer to our premium products than the previous site. If you are having any issues though, please do email info@creative-nature.uk.com and we…

The new website is here!

It’s taken us 4 years and 3 incredibly unsuccessful attempts to complete a website that we are happy with and that we think embodies the ethos and vision of Creative Nature. Cue Joe Li… You may recognise him, or at least his wife, from the massive hype and press coverage…

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