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Let’s Be Kind

Has someone surprised you recently by being kind?  Have you surprised someone else with kindness? Let's be kind. Random Acts of Kindness Day is coming up on February 17th.  At the moment, maybe even more than normally, kindness is a trait that we can all welcome. Both in terms of…

Vegetable-Orientated Cakes and Bakes

  In mid-July, we introduced our two new baking products, Simply Spiced Carrot Cake Loaf Mix, and our Pancake and Waffle Mix. We’ve had some amazing feedback from our social media followers and customers, for which we’d like to thank you. Here are some of their words:   Pancake and…

Study and Exam Tips

Superfoods for exam season

We’re right in the middle of exam season and whilst some of you might be able to sail through test papers without a care in the world (unfortunately this wasn’t any of us!), the majority will panic at the mere thought of sitting still for hours on end. Even if…

Macro Tracking and IIFYM

Have you come across the term If It Fit Your Macros before? Well, if you are interested in fitness, it’s highly likely you have. However, if you haven’t before, this blogpost will hopefully introduce you to it a bit.   Macros, are the main macronutrients you should consume through your…

It’s Nutrition and Hydration Week!

Nutrition and Hydration Week (11th-17th of March) is an annual event which aims to highlight and promote healthy living and advancements in nutrition and hydration locally and worldwide! At Creative Nature, we care for all customers and their health, by producing products which are safe for all consumers to eat,…

Benefits of Eating Clean

Benefits of Eating Clean “Clean eating” has had a bad reputation in recent months.  Here at the Creative Nature HQ we believe this is down to there being too much ambiguity around what “clean eating” means.  Do you have to wash every bit of food you eat? What is classified…

How to Achieve Your 2019 New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! The New Year has come around and it is time for everyone to start their resolutions! Every year people around the world make a list of various things they want to achieve or change in the upcoming year in hopes of changing their lifestyle for the better.…

Reasons to avoid refined sugars

Did you know an average American child consumes 32 tsp of sugar everyday and an adult, 22 tsp? And do you know what the recommended daily intake of sugar is? It's just 6 to 9 tsp! Sugar has become a part of our daily lives to such an extent that…

Come See Us At LUNCH 2018!

This week the team is going to be at LUNCH 2018 in the ExCeL on the 20th and 21st of September. If you have never been, Lunch is the UK’s multi-award-winning trade show for the food-to-go industry. It will have over 350 exhibitors showcasing food, drink, packaging and equipment products.…

Back To School Snacks!

It's September, which means it's back to school season for many kids out there! If you have some youngsters going off to school every day now or are a college or university student yourself and want some quick back to school snack ideas to take for a long day of…

We’re Hosting a Bake-Off!

We are super excited to share some fun news with you guys! This Friday, on the 17th of August we are running our first ever event- the Creative Nature Vegan Bake-Off! We will have 20 bloggers taking part in the challenge, where they will be making one of our baking…

It’s National School Sport Week

Did you know that this week is National School Sport Week across the UK? The first National School Sport Week was in 2008, and since then the initiative has grown with more than 5,000 schools and 1.8 million pupils taking part! The role of NSSW is to raise awareness about sports and being…

Top Tips for Dealing with Allergies

As it's Allergy Awareness Week, we thought we would do a blog post to talk about a few ways you can deal with allergies! Julianne, the founder and owner of Creative Nature suffers from allergies herself and has a few top ways she deals with allergies on the go! Julianne…

Try out Will’s Favourite Creative Nature Smoothie

We all need a bit of inspiration from time to time when it comes to new smoothie recipes, right? :) With the endless possibilities using our amazing Superfood range, we can all get creative and make something new every time we make smoothies! Whether you like cacao-based smoothies to treat…

3 Foods that Can Help Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a debilitating disease that affects an estimated 3.8 million people in the UK, a figure that has more than doubled since 1996 (Diabetes Prevalence Model by Public Health England, 2016). This represents roughly 9% of the (adult) population. According to the same model, 90% of all cases are type 2…

Smoothie Bowl Recipe Video!

As most of you will know- all of our new lovely superfood tubs have recipes on the back of pack! This makes it so much easier for all of you who are unsure of what to use our lovely products for but also gives you a bit of inspiration! We…

Vitamin D 101

With the weather still being quite gloomy in the UK at the moment... we were inspired to share a bit about Vitamin D! Especially with it being National Nutrition and Hydration week! Our Registered Associate Nutritionist Paula put this blogpost together to quickly educate you all on the main things…

Green Goodness Smoothie Recipe Video!

As some of you may know- all of our new lovely superfood tubs have recipes on the back of pack! This makes it so much easier for all of you who are unsure of what to use our lovely products for but also gives you a bit of inspiration! We…

Meet our Ambassadors: William Brown

This week we're introducing you all to our third lovely Brand Ambassador! Meet Will- he is a Vegan personal trainer, has his own podcast and two amazing organisations- the Health Awareness Network as well as the Climate Awareness Network! He is our newest Brand Ambassador and we already have many…

Come see us at Vegan Life Live!

This year we are planning many exciting shows and fairs we will be taking part in to ensure we meet as many of you as possible and get to interact with our customers! We have a few fun shows coming up and the one that you can see us at…

Top 5 Tips for Bouncing Back After the Holidays!

Happy 2018 from the Creative Nature Team! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays, spent valuable and lovely time with your friends and family :) We also hope you all had some relaxing time to eat delicious food, sleep in and have a break from your daily routines! As many…

Gingerbread House Challenge!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Here at the Headquarters we decided to be festive & made a video for all of you whilst making some beautiful Gingerbread houses! We split up into two teams and built & decorated gingerbread houses whilst listening to some Christmas music! Make sure to watch the video…

Meet our Ambassadors: Master Wong

At Creative Nature we absolutely love meeting inspiring people who believe in a healthy and positive lifestyle! Sometimes we get lucky and meet amazing people that also love our product and end up being our brand ambassadors! We absolutely love our team and want to introduce all of you to…

How to Stay Healthy and Eat Right in the Winter

Now that it is getting chilly outside and winter is just around the corner, many of us may find it difficult to stay healthy in the winter months. However, although in the summer time it is always easier to stay active and choose better food options as we naturally crave…

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